Home Other Calculators GPA Calculator high school gpa calculator : how to calculate cumulative gpa for all semesters.

high school gpa calculator : how to calculate cumulative gpa for all semesters.

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

Credit Hours Grade Points Action

Total Credit Hours: 0

GPA: 0.00

The Benefits of Using an Online GPA Calculator Tool

As a student, it’s important to keep track of your academic progress, and one way to do that is by calculating your grade point average (GPA). A GPA is a numerical representation of your academic performance, and it’s calculated by averaging the grades you’ve earned in your courses. While you could manually calculate your GPA using a formula, there are many benefits to using an online GPA Calculator tool.

What is an Online GPA Calculator Tool?

An online GPA Calculator tool is a web-based application that allows you to calculate your GPA by entering your course grades and credit hours. You simply enter the number of credit hours for each course you’ve taken and the corresponding letter grade, and the tool calculates your GPA automatically.

Benefits of Using an Online GPA Calculator Tool

  1. Saves time: Manually calculating your GPA can be a tedious and time-consuming process, especially if you have a large number of courses to consider. Using an online GPA Calculator tool saves time and ensures that your calculations are accurate.
  2. Provides accuracy: An online GPA Calculator tool is designed to calculate your GPA accurately, using the correct formulas and algorithms. This means that you can trust the tool to provide you with an accurate representation of your academic performance.
  3. Easy to use: An online GPA Calculator tool is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows you to enter your course grades and credit hours quickly and easily.
  4. Flexible: An online GPA Calculator tool is flexible, allowing you to calculate your GPA for a single semester, multiple semesters, or your overall academic career.
  5. Helps with academic planning: By using an online GPA Calculator tool, you can easily see how your grades are affecting your GPA and make informed decisions about your academic plans. For example, if your GPA is lower than you’d like, you may want to consider taking fewer courses or seeking academic support to improve your grades.

How to Use an Online GPA Calculator Tool

Using an online GPA Calculator tool is easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Find an online GPA Calculator tool that you trust.
  2. Enter the number of credit hours for each course you’ve taken.
  3. Enter the corresponding letter grade for each course.
  4. Click “calculate” to see your GPA.


An online GPA Calculator tool is a valuable resource for students who want to track their academic progress and make informed decisions about their academic plans. By providing accuracy, saving time, and being easy to use, an online GPA Calculator tool can help you stay on top of your grades and achieve academic success.

GPA Calculator Tool
The GPA Calculator Tool is a web-based application that allows users to calculate their grade point average (GPA) based on their course grades and credit hours. Users can enter the credit hours and grade for each course they have taken, and the tool will calculate their total credit hours, total points, and GPA.

Add course: Users can add a new course to the table by entering the credit hours and grade for the course and clicking the “Add Course” button.
Delete course: Users can delete a course from the table by clicking the “Delete” button in the corresponding row.
Calculate GPA: The tool calculates the user’s GPA by dividing the total points by the total credit hours.
Clear all courses: Users can clear all courses from the table by clicking the “Clear All Courses” button.
Getting Started
To use the GPA Calculator Tool, follow these steps:

Open the web application in a web browser.
Enter the credit hours and grade for each course you have taken in the corresponding fields.
Click the “Add Course” button to add the course to the table.
Repeat steps 2-3 for each course you have taken.
Review the table to ensure that all courses are included and the information is correct.
The total credit hours, total points, and GPA will be automatically calculated and displayed in the “Results” section.
Adding a Course
To add a new course to the table, follow these steps:

Enter the credit hours for the course in the “Credit Hours” field.
Enter the grade for the course in the “Grade” field.
Click the “Add Course” button.
Deleting a Course
To delete a course from the table, follow these steps:

Click the “Delete” button in the corresponding row.
Clearing All Courses
To clear all courses from the table, follow these steps:

Click the “Clear All Courses” button.
The GPA Calculator Tool only supports a limited number of courses.
The GPA Calculator Tool does not support weighted grades.
The GPA Calculator Tool does not support incomplete or withdrawn courses.
The GPA Calculator Tool is a simple yet useful tool for students to calculate their GPA. It is easy to use and provides accurate results. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us .

Use Case: Calculating Semester GPA


  • Student


  • The student has completed at least one course during the current semester.
  • The student has access to the GPA Calculator tool.

Main Flow

  1. The student opens the GPA Calculator tool in a web browser.
  2. The student enters the credit hours and grade for each course they have taken during the current semester.
  3. The GPA Calculator tool calculates the total credit hours, total points, and GPA for the semester.
  4. The student reviews the results and verifies that they are accurate.
  5. The student records their semester GPA in their academic records.

Alternative Flow

3a. The student realizes they made an error when entering the credit hours or grade for a course. 3b. The student deletes the course from the table and re-enters the correct credit hours and grade. 3c. The GPA Calculator tool recalculates the total credit hours, total points, and GPA for the semester.


  • The student has calculated their semester GPA using the GPA Calculator tool.
  • The student has recorded their semester GPA in their academic records.


The GPA Calculator tool is a useful tool for students to calculate their semester or overall GPA. It can help students track their academic progress and make informed decisions about their course load and future academic plans.


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