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how to link to external links from the post title in wordpress


how to link to external links from the post title in wordpress

Linking to external resources in your WordPress posts can help to provide additional information for your readers and enhance the value of your content. By linking to external resources from your post titles, you can make it easier for readers to access the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Fortunately, linking to external resources from your post titles in WordPress is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

Create a new post or edit an existing one in your WordPress dashboard.

In the title field of the post, type the text that you want to link to the external resource. For example, if you want to link to a website that provides more information on a particular topic, you could type the website name as the post title.

Highlight the text that you want to link and click the “Link” button in the WordPress editor.

In the link dialog box that appears, enter the URL of the external resource that you want to link to.

Click the “Open link in a new tab” checkbox to open the external resource in a new browser tab.

Click the “Add Link” button to add the link to your post title.

That’s it! You have successfully linked to an external resource from your post title in WordPress.

It’s worth noting that while linking to external resources can enhance the value of your content, it’s essential to ensure that the resources you link to are trustworthy and credible. Always verify the information you link to and ensure that it aligns with the content and message of your post.

In conclusion, linking to external resources from your post titles in WordPress is an easy and effective way to provide additional value to your readers. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly and easily link to external resources and enhance the quality of your content.

Q: Why should I link to external resources from my post titles in WordPress?
A: Linking to external resources from your post titles can enhance the value of your content by providing additional information for your readers. It can also improve your website’s credibility by demonstrating that you have done research and are providing trustworthy and credible resources for your readers.

Q: Can I link to any external resource from my post title in WordPress?
A: While you can technically link to any external resource, it’s essential to ensure that the resources you link to are trustworthy and credible. Always verify the information you link to and ensure that it aligns with the content and message of your post.

Q: How do I ensure that the external resource I link to is credible?
A: To ensure that the external resource you link to is credible, you can check the source’s authority, reputation, and credentials. Look for resources that are from reputable organizations, experts in the field, or government agencies. You can also check for reviews and ratings of the source to determine if it is trustworthy.

Q: How do I open the external resource in a new browser tab when linking from my post title in WordPress?
A: To open the external resource in a new browser tab, click the “Open link in a new tab” checkbox in the link dialog box that appears when you are adding the link.

Q: Can I edit or remove the external link from my post title in WordPress?
A: Yes, you can edit or remove the external link from your post title in WordPress at any time. To do this, click on the post title in your WordPress dashboard and edit the link in the same way that you added it.

Q: Is it important to include external links in my WordPress posts?
A: Including external links in your WordPress posts can be beneficial for both your readers and your website’s credibility. However, it’s essential to ensure that the links are relevant and trustworthy and that they add value to your content. Including too many links or irrelevant links can be seen as spammy and can harm your website’s reputation.


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